Campbellsville Industries has a complete Design and Estimating Department. For custom quotations, simply fax us elevations and specifications of the item that is desired, at: 270-465-6839, or telephone us at: 800-467-8135. Or, you may e-mail us with your project information.

Please include the name of the project, along with the city and state in which it is located, for determining delivery and installation rates (where applicable). Include any other related information that might be beneficial in providing pricing. Large drawings that cannot be faxed, can be mailed to our street address at:

Campbellsville Industries, Inc.
PO Box 278
Campbellsville, KY. 42719

The stock steeple and cupola designs can be priced directly by our manufacturer's representative located in your area, without having to go through our estimating schedule. Additionally, per lineal foot prices on our stock balustrade railing, picket rails and cornice profiles can be obtained directly from our representatives. Call us at 800-467-8135 for your local representative or e-mail us.